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Crossing Over

by Associate Pastor Greg DeLong

Valley View Community Church

“I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life- John 5:24

In recent years, there was a show on the Sci-Fi channel entitled: “Crossing Over” with John Edwards. He claims to be a psychic and one who has the unique ability to put the living in contact with their dead loved ones, or those who had “crossed over” from life to death. Historically speaking, this is nothing new, but a new “face” on the ancient practice of spiritualism—an occultic practice ALWAYS condemned and forbidden by God (Deuteronomy 18:9-12). Suffice it to say, John Edwards and others like him, who dabble in such “hidden things,” DO NOT ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH. This is to say, their assertion of what is true does not square with the Word of God- the inerrant, infallible standard for all truth claims (2 Timothy 3:16). In actuality, John Edwards and others, have “crossed over” from truth to error! However, what’s worse is-- those who “buy into” their pernicious doctrine end up “crossing over” from (physical and spiritual) death to eternal death (Revelation 20:14-15; 21:8).

One of the many wonderful things I love about Jesus is-- He ALWAYS tells us the truth (John 8:14; 14:6). Others, won’t and often don’t-- EVEN with the best of intentions. But, Jesus ALWAYS tells the truth and He does so every time. There are many instances of this throughout the Gospels, and here is one instance. He says in John 5:24, “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.”

Here, Jesus candidly emphasizes the importance of CROSSING OVER. In fact, it is the most important CROSS-OVER one can ever make and MUST make. For, it is the “crossing over” from spiritual death to spiritual life. It is the “crossing over” from spiritual condemnation to spiritual blessing (Romans 8:1). It is the “crossing over” that we rightly call, “salvation.” Jesus, who ALWAYS tells us the truth says, that true CROSSING OVER is totally dependent on “hearing His word” and “believing” in the witness God has provided. By the Spirit and His Word, the truth about Jesus’ Person and His Work on the Cross is established.

By the way, the Cross is the only bridge by which anyone can truly “CROSS-OVER” into eternal life.

Manna For Today: One MUST place saving faith in Christ’s Person and Work alone, in order to crossover from spiritual death to eternal life.


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