by Dr. Chuck Jarvis, Pastor
Valley View Community Church
Fear can be a disabling, crippling emotion in our lives. At best it distracts us from the focus we need to function normally in our everyday lives. At worst it can destroy our ability to think clearly, to act rationally, and work productively. In the Christian life, it can stand in the way of progress in our personal walk with the Lord. When that happens our ability and our desire to affect the lives of others for Jesus Christ is diminished significantly.
As I indicated in last week’s article, there are several passages of Scripture that address the subject of fear. One that is often referred to is the Apostle Paul’s words in II Timothy 1:7. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Paul includes himself in this declaration by using the word “us”. No Christian who ever lived had more reason to be fearful given the threats and physical harm he faced while on his missionary journeys.
But as is true with every statement in Scripture, the context is so very important. It gives us the larger and true understanding of the intent of the Holy Spirit in inspiring the writer to pen the words. Such is the case here. II Timothy is Paul’s last will and testament. He is in a Roman prison, a dungeon. He has been imprisoned before. But this time, he knows that he will not be released.
His words to young Timothy in this letter are extremely personal. They express what he wants Timothy to know and practice in his ministry above all else. One of those things is to not be fearful. But how? In the context, he tells Timothy to first remember the “genuine faith” that he possessed. Secondly, he admonishes him to “stir up the gift of God” that was in him. Both are keys to overcoming fear.
A genuine faith is an unfeigned faith. It is a faith that is not pretended but real, given the greek word Paul uses. A person with this kind of faith possesses a deeply embedded trust in God no matter his or her circumstances. That faith comes from the study of God’s Word. The phrase “stir up” comes from a greek word that is used only here in the Bible. It means to “fan the flames” of that which is burning in the heart of a person. In this case the heart of a Christian.
These are the keys to overcoming fear in our lives. First, we must develop a strong, committed faith in God through the study of His Word. Lastly, our relationship with the Lord must be marked by a constant “fanning of the flames” of our walk with Him, again, through the study of His Word and prayer. The “spirit of fear” finds no lodging in such a life.